This is feedback which people have written in their own words after their experience of the Lightning Process training with Kathy. They have given their permission to use their stories. Any opinions expressed are their own. Results cannot be guaranteed as every individual is different, however many people have reported positive results.
After very many years of suffering from migraines Sally did LP. 3 months after she messaged.
Hi Kathy,
Thank you so much Kathy for being my coach through the Lightning Process. It has been transformational for me.
Every day I feel I’m getting the hang of this new way of being more and more. I get myself out of the pit quicker each time. Its funny I notice periods when I’m living the life i love more and more but then other times not so. The more I’m becoming aware of myself the more I’m noticing. I’m looking after myself more rather than the previously perpetual pleasing.
I’m proud to say that since the lightning process I’ve started up squash, enrolled on a herbal course, got myself an allotment and got myself a PT in the gym. All things that I would previously have put on hold.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer.
Love Sally xx
I also had some powerful experiences continuing the good we’d done in your last session , taking me back to being a little girl. Going back to where i grew up that very same week was very significant! amazing!My brother and sister in law were very interested in the LP, and really backed it, and listened very well, and sounded very impressed. My bro noted that it was great that you’re aiming for 100% and not to be dependent on ongoing help, or expecting relapse, as with other therapies. He got that the new neural pathways would be lasting. I think my sister in law going to encourage her goddaughter to look into it.My extended family i visited (and friends we visited saw on saturday) couldn’t believe the difference in me since i saw them all 6 months ago or so christmas, and are really genuinely so thrilled!!
Hi KathyI hope you are well and looking forward to Christmas. Just thought I’d drop you a quick update note. My recovery has been fantastic. I’m definitely a plastic duck and I’m becoming a Duracell Bunny. I have far more energy and have been building up my fitness by increasing my exercise regime. I was meant to play football last Sunday but the pitch was covered in snow so my comeback will be in 2023 although I may do a Parkrun tomorrow. My wife is overjoyed with my progress and my family and friends have all noticed a huge positive change in me.
Thank you so much for your help. I really appreciate your kindness and skill.Have a great Christmas and New YearMichael2 Months on Michael kindly let me know how well he is getting on…..Hi KathyI hope you are well. Just thought I’d drop you a quick note to keep you up to date with my recovery. All is going well. If anything I’ve overdone it on the football front by playing on Wednesday and Sunday so I’m a bit sore this week but lesson learned. It’s so wonderful to have my life back. We are booking lots of trips and concerts etc. Thank you so much for your help again.RegardsMichael x
Here is a mother’s detailed message to the person who recommended the Lightning Process, which she has kindly shared to help others when looking into the training, particularly if you want to read a thorough update of what her child achieved…..
Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you for recommending Kathy and the lightning process – M is now possibly 100% better!!!!!
Words cannot begin to say how we all feel, we have just finished day 3 of the training and are naturally having to adjust to the enormity of what’s just happened.
She’s been ill for over 3 years, all the usual multiple horrendous headaches, brain fog, muscle aches, slurred words, slow brain processing, sensitivity to light, noise, taste, touch, heat etc etc massive pain every time she eats, incontinence, fainting, body (especially hand) tremors. She has been completely out of education for the past couple of months and only left with trying to stay awake by fiddling with string and bluetak as even trying to draw/paint her eyes would not focus and she had hand tremors.
That’s the bad bit!!!
We all listened to the lightning process audio (step 1) recordings and (as M was too ill to do her usual yoga and painting that were previously her ‘go-to’s as things she could do without much Post Exertional Malaise) she listened daily for a week to the last audio recording ( on boosting her immune system) as it didn’t cause any flare up and was beneficially relaxing and positive too.
Then Kathy came this Tuesday, Wednesday and today.
Day 1: After about an hour in of training I thought M would need to stop and M asked how much more time was left as she was getting worried. Kathy said we could stop but also gave us a choice of doing one more section so we carried on ( and then forgot to stop – therefore already M had changed things as she was not feeling bad!)
By the end of the first day I believe she had ‘switched’ ( just as quickly as when she switched over night 3+ years ago). She was able to read and write day 1’s questionnaire, stay up at least 3 hours later than normal, eat out of pain, steer her headaches away ( we both forgot her midday dose of pizotofen headache medicine). We went for a walk in the hideous heat (further than she had managed since before Xmas), played a 1 hour board game with us then watched an hour of TV, showered and went to bed – every single activity a massive step far outside any of our comfort zones!!!!!!
Day 2: M woke up with no PEM!!!!!!!! She felt tired but a different ‘normal’ tired (- our house was uncomfortably warm in the heat).
An hour or so in to the training, M felt one of her many headaches coming on – did the LP and Kathy carried on with the training (L forgot about it and she didn’t get any headaches). Later she had hand tremors and the same things happened. By the end of the day we knew massive changes had happened so we decided to set crazy goals for the evening (we wanted to test everything assuming she’d crash etc and that Kathy would be there in the morning to her pick her up)… M’s biggest fear was brain fog in thinking, concentrating and writing an essay so she did that activity first. 40 minutes later (as that was the time we set – around 5 or 6 times more than she had been able to manage this year), M said how easy it was, how her thoughts and sentences just flowed and how wonderful it was. Her writing was back up to speed and sophistication (by approx 100+ times!) We then took her to a lido (outdoor swimming pool) to cool off and go swimming (again years since she has been able to swim). It was full of happy but loud squealing children etc but L was fine ( we stayed in for about 20 minutes). Next test … we then took her out to a restaurant (noise, usually gets overwhelming sensory over-load and anxiety and the whole experience is far too long to be away from the house and wait for food that would cause her pain anyway where she would have to leave it and drink a prescription food supplement milkshake when back at home and had a chance to recover a little). M was absolutely fine, devoured her food and chatted. By the end of Day 2 M had bright, wet, alive eyes and good skin colour in her cheeks – amazing!
We then went home and played a card game. All activities in the last two days was more than she could have accomplished and spread out over the past 3 months!!!!!
Day 3 For the first time in 3+ years M woke up naturally ( IE. We didn’t wake her nor any alarms although she did have only half of blackout blinds closed). When she came downstairs, we knew she was better and I cried knowing subconsciously she was able to do that.
Tonight (of day 3), M went shopping with N( my husband) – they both desperately needed clothes ( M has grown in the last 3 years and N just hasn’t had a chance to go shopping for essentials) and now they’ve just done a cycle ride!!!!
Tomorrow is the last day of term and she hasn’t been in for months. Earlier on this week I booked her a taxi to take her into college just for the lunch hour so she could see her friends.
Today, I and her key worker changed it so that she goes in 2 hours earlier to ‘browse’ the library and get 10+ books that she’s so hungry to read and enjoy – she wants research and critical thinking books (whatever they are) and the librarian is all set to help her find everything she’d like. Happy, happy, happy days!!!!!
Kathy was absolutely fantastic and we had fun discussions ( I was in on all of it too that I found immensely helpful, both of course primarily for M but generally as a life long skill for both of us too).
M’s wheelchair came out of the car and I will soon be throwing out loads of single portion frozen homemade low fibre and FODMAP friendly meals, god knows how much medication and food supplements and cancelling her carer that I had only just this week managed to set up. Also notifying PIP, blue badge etc etc but not quite yet – we’re only day 3. We are planning many, many things she’s been dying to do as well as tackling head on all things she was worried about (reading, thinking, writing, physical exercise, going into crowded and noisy places, having a lot less sleep, lowering her medical doses etc).
We saw a neurologist for the first time last week who, like all other medical areas such as gastroenterology, dieticians, urology, abnormal bloods, rheumatology etc etc. have confirmed that there is nothing physically wrong (except bloods) reinforcing to us all that everything is being caused by her brain and body ‘doing ME’. We knew the lightning process was really her best hope and greatest chance to recover from this ghastly debilitating life-stopping illness AND knew that she was now really ready for it.
I’m sure that M may fall over, forget to practice it and miss some PIT signs and will need reminding of things along the way ( maybe as early as next week or in 10 years and she may forget to really practise it regularly) but we all know now that it really, really works and it has been M’s and our life saver – no exaggeration there and I’m sure you know that too.
For now, N and I need to remind ourselves that these incredible changes are real and to kick ourselves whenever we are about to try to protect her by suggesting limiting activities etc (fearing a crash if she overdoes it). It’s such an adjustment to all our lives and will need getting used to and nurturing it.
Thank-you for helping us help M and all fingers and toes crossed for them both to continue to quickly find wonderful lives again 🤗.
I recently received a wonderful bunch of flowers and even more wonderful words….
Dear Kathy,
One month on and M continues to improve at a pace. Thank you for giving M his life and us our son and brother back.
Julia did LP online from Austria in June 2021
Dear Kathy,I just wanted to let you know that my 2022 started very fine. I did a lot of skiing the last months and I’m also running again.
I did a flue in March and in April again. But I did it and recovered two times and today I ran nearly 7 kilometers in about 50 minutes, which is very good for me especially after the illness. I am so happy about this and I just wanted to let you know that I keep going and I am doing all the sports I love again 🙂
Thank you!
Sending you lots of hugs,
Caroline did online LP from her bed.
Just a quick update to let you know that things are going so well for me now! I have just returned from visiting my sister for the first time in nearly a year! I drove myself the 400 mile round trip. I had a fabulous time, feeling so healthy and energetic. My sister could hardly believe it as when she last saw me a few weeks ago my ME/CFS was so severe I was in bed, needing full time care. She runs a horse livery yard and I assisted with all the jobs, walking miles getting horses in and out from the fields, mucking out, grooming and riding too. In addition to having my health back, I am now sleeping well, thanks to using the Lightning Process every night.
I am fully back in my volunteering role at Riding for the Disabled and loving it! This weekend I attended a dressage competition for the riders, coaching them in preparation for their individual performances. The coaching skills I learned and regularly use with The Lightning Process have transferred well into this role!
Thank you so much for all your support and help. From the very first time we spoke you have been amazing! So patient and kind, especially when I had a relapse just days before I was due to begin my seminar. I’m very glad I decided to ‘press on’ despite being so weak as the results were truly incredible! I now have my life back! I use the process regularly and it has already helped me in many other areas. It is wonderful to know that you are on the end of the phone for further advice and support whenever I need it.
Thank you again,
very best wishes,
Update July 2023 – Thank you Caroline for your update 🙂
As today is the second anniversary of completing the LP seminar with you, I just wanted to let you know that I’m continuing to live the life I love. I still marvel at how, in the course of only 3 days, I went from being bed bound with such bleak prospects of full recovery, to feeling healthy and able to enjoy life again. I’ve had no return of any ME/CFS symptoms at all. Even when I came down with Covid in March this year I was able to recover quickly.
I still use the process regularly, it has helped me in so many ways. I’m a much ‘healthier‘ person in every sense. I recognise and enjoy the good times on a daily basis and I’m far better equipped to deal with life’s challenges when they arrive.
I really can’t thank you enough for the part you played in my recovery and on-going well being. I wouldn’t be where I am now without your kind, nurturing support and skill as a LP practitioner.
With very best wishes,
Caroline x
Ruth who did LP online sent 3 updates. It was very special to hear what song she now sings 🙂
Hi Kathy,
A selfie with an alpaca was never on my list, but now that I’m a powerful genius … who knows what will happen next!
This morning was a perfect day to walk down the pier so that what Peter and I did. I forgot to mention that we are slowly, and casually, looking for a new place to live- also keeping me busy.
Lots of adventures to look forward to – thanks to your help.
Love, Ruth xxI have been either working out or walking every day. I already feel so much stronger. I walked one day last week for a whole hour! Just a couple of months ago , before the training, I could only walk for 3 to 5 minutes at a time.I stay up all day, and I’m doing something every minute of the day, without keeping any checkI’ve been reconnecting with people and yesterday did an hour long video call with a friend, which would have been unthinkable back then too. Last time we spoke I had to stop after 10 minutes and took days to recover.
Every day I sing the Nina Simone song :
“Birds flying high, you know how I feel,
Sun in the sky, you know how I feel,Wind drifting by, you know how I feelIt’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life for me.… and I’m feeling good!” That really sums it up.I may still take up your offer of a session or 2 at a later date, but more now I’m just rolling with any ‘echoes’ from the past. I’m practicing every day.
Sending a virtual hug.Ruth xx
3rd update: July 2022
Hi Kathy, I hope this finds you well and thriving.
I just wanted to mark my unofficial birthday (June 24th) when I started my new life 2 years ago! Peter and I celebrated with a lovely meal in London in one of our old haunts – see attached.
This year so far has seen even more positive changes – I created my best artwork which involved lots of local Folkestone people. It was a big risk but turned out beautifully, thanks to being open to the unknown. I’ve been working through my sister’s affairs, still a work in progress, but getting there step-by-step. I’m getting to grips with more minor but still important medical issues which need to be addressed. Staying fit and healthy.
Life is really good and it’s thanks to you and your great training that all this is happening so I want to thank you again.
We’re off to Switzerland in a couple of days so I will send you a picture no doubt.
Big hug! Ruth xx
Hello Kathy!
I hope this finds you well.
I promised to let you know about my adventures in the Alps. I attach a brief video from a long hike – quite demanding 800m climb (3.5 hours) up – all within my capacity as powerful genius!! Peter and I had a wonderful time doing lots of hikes. I did that long hike 6 years ago and found it easier this time.
I also kicked another viral illness (2 days resting in bed) just before departing for the holiday. Peter had this before me and was very ill for a full week. More evidence of my ability to recover from these 😊.Thank you again for being a great teacher and support. Big hug, Ruth xx
Thank you to Elaine for her update 6 years after LP training, it was such a lovely surprise to receive this after 6 years 🙂 …
Hi Kathy I was just taking a look on the LP website and saw you were featured on the “Meet our Practitioners” page. You may not remember me, but you trained me to use the LP tools in 2014 when I was suffering from CFS and seeing you featured prompted me to get in touch to tell you how I’m getting on.
Well, since I came to see you I have recovered from CFS completely and have now taken up running, Fitsteps and Pilates. I don’t worry about committing to events and activities at the weekend and now have a 3 year old grandson, who takes up quite a lot of my time (and energy).
I don’t think I ever got round to thanking you for giving me my life back!
I won’t pretend there haven’t been difficult times when I have felt myself slipping back into old habits, but knowing that I can use the LP at any time to turn things around makes a huge difference and I quite often return to “Live the Life you Love Now” to reaffirm your teachings, and each time I read it I usually learn something new!
Thank you so much 🙂 Elaine
Alex describes his experience
My whole world and understanding of things had been turned upside down, in the best way possible
Very happy David says…..
Hope this finds you well. I had to share this with you, while walking down our garden last Monday sun shining suddenly my head was clear and my body felt light “ WOW “ It was time to open a bottle of champagne.
Today for the first time in 27 years I ran 2000 meters and still felt good.
David xx
I am delighted to hear Davids further update
Hello Mentor
Hope all is well with you, I thought you would like to know about your successes, I managed to play 18 holes of golf last week, It was not until today I realised what I had achieved, “thank you once again “.
And after nearly 2 years ….
Hello Kathy.
I have to pinch myself so I can believe I am alive, I am now playing 36 holes of golf a week no wonder my friends call you the miracle woman.
There are no words that can express my thanks to you, once again
Hello Kathy.
Two years ago on the 23rd February 2020 I started a journey that I had embarked on many times before. Once again I was searching for rainbows, and unbeknown to me, somebody had caught one for me and was holding it until I arrived! THANK YOU!
Now I am living the life I thought I would never have again.
And then on 3rd anniversary of LP training David says
Hello Kathy
Three years on and I am still living the life you gave back to me, once again thank you.
Then after 4 years of doing LP he messaged to say……
Hello Kathy.
I don’t know how many times I can say thank you but here for one more time “ thanks “.
Hope you like the photo it was taken yesterday morning at Lamata in Spain, no filters that is just how we saw it. At the moment we are halfway through a 3 month trip and enjoying the sunshine. From the first time the pit was mentioned I decided there was no other way but to fill it in, ( comical looking back). you are still the most inspirational person I have ever met, and that’s what I tell everybody regarding the illness I once had.
Hope life is treating you well, you deserve it for what you do for us.
David xxx
After using LP for health/pain issues Sophie continued to use LP for a brand new event…
A update from teenager Silas…….
Rachel describes her amazing day….
Linda’s update after 5 years of doing LP training ……
16 year old Caitlin is back swimming…..
From Chrissie: I just wanted to say a huge thank you for all that you have taught me about the Lightning Process. You were and still are such an inspiration to me and I would not hesitate to recommend you in the future to any other person who needs to learn to live the life they would love.
The words of Serena and how she is now living her life….
Steve sends an update…
6 months after LP Gemma writes….
Gee sends an update after one year Read more…
T, aged 50, originally did LP training in 2008, 7 years later she returned for a refresher. Read more…
After 29 years of suffering from Fibromyalgia, Shirley age 68 writes…
Alex had been suffering with symptoms for 6 years before being diagnosed with ME and suffered another 4 years before doing LP. Read more…
Lucy was 26 and had been ill with cfs/ME for 4 years. Read more…
Trish sent me an update on her 13 year old daughter Rosie’s progress…
Linda gives updates over 3 years after LP….
This is what Elodie’s mum says…
Aurelia was nervous before doing LP and she has put her experience into comic form, as she thought it may help people who may be thinking of doing LP. Aurelia sent this to me on her 4th anniversary of being well.
Rachel writes her words to inspire others up to 2 years after LP. Her mother, Louise, did LP one year after Rachel. Read more…
Line was 33, living I a darkened room in a care home, she emailed me 4 years later…
Vance was 31 diagnosed with chronic fatigue 5 years before LP. Read more…
Miri had suffered from debilitating migraines as a child, also cfs. She mails me 2 years after LP…
Emily was 47 had been ill with cfs for 7 years. Read more…
Amanda had been in constant pain due to nerve damage to her spinal cord. Read more…
Michelle gives updates for 18 months after LP. Read more…
Pete age 62, suffered with depression and cfs. Two years after LP he writes…
Imogen gives updates 2 years after LP. Read more…
Bridget had lived with chronic pain for 10 years and cfs for 2 years. Read more…
Mandy did LP for stress and anxiety which she had suffer for “many” years. Read more…
H was 11 years old been in hospital a week before he did LP, due to the severity of pain. His mum writes...
M was 15. Her mum gives an update a year later…
Katherine became ill with M.E. while studying at Cambridge University, her life was severely restricted for nearly 20 years when she came to do LP, and she updated me for the following year on her progress…
Jane had ME for 15 years the last 12 had been spent in a wheel chair. Read more…
Sara writes an update…
Emma’s mum sent me a letter…
Cat describes her progress after a restricted life due to cfs. Read more…
Kristian with cerebal palsy reports his improvements after one month…
Shirley did LP age 71 she had been suffering from chronic pain and cfs for 14 years. Read more…
Jo age 58, after 12 years of cfs writes…
Daniel was diagnosed with post viral fatigue age 33 He gives an update a year later…
Pip age 44, depression and cfs for 8 years, writes an analogy!
Ingun age 47, suffered pain and cfs for 13 years. Read more…
Roar was 64, he sent updates up to 1 year after LP On day 1 of LP he had to lay on a sofa, on day 3 I walked with him and his family through a forest. Read more…
Pierce suffered with Tourette’s/tics for 10 years. His mum Sam writes…
Mary at age 37, was severely ill with ME for early 5 years. Read more…
Mike age 40 diagnosed MS primary progressive. Read more…
Tiril age 16 updates on her progress. Read more…
Francesca writes an update after a year…
Kristin age 28 had been suffering from ME for 12 years. Read more…
Anette’s father and I crept into their home, we spoke quietly in the kitchen this is how they had lived for the past year. Anette was in a darkened sound proof room until 26th April 2008 when she did LP. Two weeks later she wrote…
Jill age 51 cfs for 19 years, had to retire from teaching 11 years ago. Read more…
Paul age 36 was very happy after LP. Read more…
Polly was 16; she gives updates 20 months after LP. Read more…
Catherine age 48 writes…
Peter age 51 I saw Peter at his home on day one, he was very happy and surprised he could drive to visit me for day 2. Read more…
Gemma age 24. 3 months after LP writes…
Andrea age 36 adds an 18 month update…