Hi Kathy,
Hope all is going well with you.
Just thought I would give you a quick update – M goes from strength to strength. As you know she had started going in to school part time, but today is her fourth consecutive full day – going to and from on the bus!! She is so much improved, happier and has much greater belief in herself.
When I think that it was only about eight weeks ago that we came to see you, M was really at rock bottom, anxious, depressed, no self esteem, hating her life and not being able to see any way forward. It is just amazing how far she has come – thanks to you and of course to herself.
We will always be so grateful to you Kathy, I know you think you just taught her the process but it was the way you did it, YOU ARE GREAT AT THIS!!
I won’t pretend that everyday has been good, there have been one or two wobbly ones but M has been able to use the process and move on. Which actually proves that it is lasting and works.
I will continue to keep in touch – send our love to Jo and we hope she is doing well. I am so glad we found you and thanks again.
One year later
I can’t believe how different we are all feeling as this year comes to a close compared to the end of 2008 and I wanted to thank you for your part in that.
M has completed a whole term of school where she is studying Maths, Psychology and Spanish A level. At the end of term she helped stage manage the upper school production of Grease which was the first time she had ever done anything like that. Perhaps more importantly though, tonight she is going to a New Years Eve party with friends.
As you can imagine there have been some difficult and challenging times but M has managed brilliantly.
I hope your year has been as positive as ours. Many thanks, and all good wishes for 2010.