Next live online 3 day LP training 13th 14th and 15th February
Next face to face group LP training in Suffolk 24th 25th and 26th February
We now offer LP training online. Please contact me if you would like to hear more details.
“For me doing LP over Zoom worked fine. I really felt connected and in the ‘same room’. Based on my experience I would have no hesitation in recommending it to others” Ted
“Due to the corona situation I was already used to do meetings, workshops and trainings online. My only concern was about the missing interaction with a group that I often find helpful in a classroom training. But the training was great, and on a one-on-one training Kathy managed to commit herself much more to my personal situation. We had three great and very intense days that passed by so fast. Also it allowed me to do the training from a remote location where it wouldn’t have been available otherwise.” Thomas
Dear Kathy
Thank you very much for the three sessions earlier this week. Do you remember I was really keen to start the process having listened to Phil’s home study section? Knowing how much I learn from people’s body language, tone of voice etc I was definitely uncertain about learning on-line but knew my other option was to wait until the lockdown was lifted. That could have been a long wait!
I am really delighted that I went ahead with the zoom sessions. It definitely worked for me – learning from listening, watching the slide presentation and, most importantly, being watched and encouraged while I learnt the process and having the opportunity for questions and discussions, just as though we were in the same room.
Thank you again for being such a good teacher over the net. Looking forward to my follow-up meeting next week. Mary
I am licensed for UK, Czech Republic to train LP online
I am an advanced practitioner of the Phil Parker Lightning Process® Examiner and Tutor at Phil Parker Training Institute, London.
After observing the 3 day training programme Dr Rajesh Munglani, Professor and Consultant in pain medicine at West Suffolk Hospital and Nuffield Health Cambridge Hospital, endorses and refers some of his patients to the Lightning Process.
“I have been very impressed with the results of the LP. I have seen the lives of some of my patients transformed by this self-empowering technique. Everyone who has battled with chronic illness and wants to win should have an opportunity to do the Lightning Process.” Rajesh Munglani.
Alex added his experience to Recovery Norway.
My whole world and understanding of things had been turned upside down, in the best way possible
These 25 people used the Lightning Process.
“The most amazing day was when Rosie played in a football tournament 2 weekends ago. To be honest I did wonder if she would ever play a football match again last year, never mind a whole day of football! She loved every minute of it as did we all watching her.”
“If there is anything I can do to help ‘spread the word’ on the lightning process then I will do it. I feel so sad that there are people sitting at home right now, suffering with ME (and many other problems) who’s lives can be transformed so easily.” – Tracy, mother of 16 year old Polly, 2 weeks after Polly completed the Lightning Process®.
“I’m on a real high, and loving every minute of it. Writing for an hour every morning, getting up earlier, doing Tai Chi, walking further each day – the dog is complaining that she just isn’t up for it! And I haven’t used my blue card since your sessions and have given my wheelchair away. People are just beginning to notice that I have arrived by foot not car which is fun!” – Anne, after 20 years of ME
I am based in East Anglia, with training programmes held in Suffolk, Cambridge and Surrey. I travel to see people for home visits.
I am licenced to work live online for Portugal and France
I have previously been licensed for Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Spain, Romania, Finland, Guernsey, Austria, Jersey and Hong Kong.