Two years after the Lightning Process
Just thought you might like to know how things are. I’ve been doing a lot of cycling. All through the winter I went out at least twice a week and generally did between 20 and 30 miles. Best day out – 40 miles and best week total – 130 miles. I’ve done about 1200 this year so far. And of course, the more exercise I get, the fitter and slimmer I get. Had to buy new trousers last week as I’ve fallen out of these.
Hope you are keeping well and continuing to set people on the path to recovery. I frequently mention your name when I hear of people with problems.
Love from Pete
Three days later
PS. Did I say 40 miles? I did 50 yesterday!
7 years after LP Pete writes….
Dear Kathy,
I met up with D. the other day. Both of us using our ‘get out of bed free ‘ cards; both on bikes; both doing a forty mile ride. The difference is that D had done the Lightning Process with you a few days earlier whereas I’d done it 7 ½ years ago. I have cycled over 24000 miles since I last saw you and generally do over 4000 miles a year. I am now an authority on the coffee and cake at every cafe within a 20 mile radius of home.
Love and thanks from Pete