Hello Kathy!
Thanks for three beautiful days in Sandefjord. You were such an inspiring coach for all three of us.
On Sunday I drove all the way home 4 hours, and in addition we stopped on our way back to have dinner at a restaurant. Tuesday I went for a 45 min walk in the woods together with a friend of mine. As you understand I have many “appointments” and plans already!!
Yesterday my wife and I drove to Gjøvik (the nearest town about 20 miles) to attend a concert. Afterwards we went to a pizza restaurant. Were away for over 6 hours without rest!! Tonight I am going to attend a meeting in my local orienteering federation.
After 3 months
Just wanted to tell you that to-day my wife and I had a great cross-country trip through a beautiful sunny and snowy winter landscape. I hadn’t used my cross-country skis since about five years ago. It was fantastic to be there again! We skied about 8 English miles.
I try to go for a walk each day now. I walk for about 30 minutes and most of the days I walk down to meet My wife after she is finished for the day with her work at the local school, and then we walk home together. I also do some physical exercises to improve my muscles strength, especially for my back and hips.
We also plan to go for a vacation trip to Sweden during Whitsun and to the Czech Republic and Poland during our summer holiday. Strange to be able to do a vacation planning again.
A further email
Hello Kathy !
Just wanted to send you our greetings and wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year !
It has been a great year filled with different physical and social activities. Now we are surrounded by a cold but beautiful snowy winter landscape. I have just brought in the Christmas tree in the living-room and now Grethe is decorating it. We are looking forward to the holiday hoping to be able to use our cross-country skies some days.
Anette is also sending her best greetings. She asked me to tell you that during this year she has been able to fullfil all the wishes she had listed up before meeting you in Sandefjord a year ago !
Grethe is also sending you her best wishes !
All the best from