After day 3 from Andrea and Elysia

Wow! After having suffered with ME for 10 years I FEEL I NO LONGER HAVE ME. You have given me and my family our lives back. I really appreciate all your work and understanding, you are an amazing person I will never forget what you have done. I know I have to do all the work for the LP to work, but you have given me the tools to carry this out.

Lish just wants to say a few words…

Thank you ever so much for doing this. I have never seen my mum so happy. It was quite hard seeing her go from this person who was so full of energy to her having to lay in bed for consecutive months. I really can not thank you enough.

Yours sincerely

Elysia x x x x

Well from a very smiley Andrea and Lish

Thanks soooo much

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Eighteen Months Later

Wow what a year, Kathy has been so wonderful. Not only have I not had any symptoms WHAT SO EVER but the Lightning Process has helped me overcome some rather large hurdles in my life. My daughter Elysia has had a pretty eventful year as well and in May of this year after suffering from PVS (Post Viral Syndrome) for a considerable period of time (Vomiting on a daily basis). She also did the Lightning Process with Kathy and after DAY ONE, has not been sick since.

We both owe so much to Kathy and the Process. Kathy is AMAZING; at what she does we have both learnt so much from her. Not only with health but with every aspect of our lives, be it academic or emotionally.

So from both of us and the bottom of our hearts MAJOR BIG HUGS. Thank you is just not enough. We are living proof that with an AMAZING tutor like Kathy and the wonders that are the Lightning Process that ANYTHING is possible. YIIIIIIPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Lots of Love

Andrea and Elysia