
A letter from her Mum…

Dear Kathy, I’m writing to you because I thought you would like to know how Emma is doing since attending the Lightning Process in April 2009. She doesn’t want to relive or go back to thinking about how she was with ME. She just wants to go forward which is what you taught her to do. She escaped from that awful spiral the ME had got her into. The LP enabled her to work through the symptoms.

After her course she worked on the process and got rid of all her associations of ME and illness – her hoodies, blanket, hospital toys…… she rang benefits and said she was feeling better now having seen her G.P. who was amazed by her physical and mental improvement.

She channelled her energy into her future and has now returned to Norwich, living in a little flat and will start her final year of her degree in September. She swims weekly, walks daily, sees friends. Hard to believe this is the same girl I had to help bath and walk a few minutes each day, literally holding her up. It seemed to never improve.

Lots of people ask me how she is and cannot believe when I tell them how she has moved on. So thank you Kathy for all your input. You came along at the right time for Emma. I have my daughter back now – she drives me mad, we argue, we laugh. We are just normal mother and daughter again. I’m sure she has learnt so much in all of this. She reminds me to try LP as well!

An email from Emma.

I feel bad I haven’t contacted you sooner! It’s been so crazy! Everything is going so well in my new flat, found out I got a part time job today!!! And my new man is taking me out to dinner to celebrate. I can’t thank you enough for what you have done for me.

It’s pretty incredible to think where I was last year, and where I am now!!!cannot wait to get started back at University, and I’m sure mum has told you I am back to my normal self, or actually I think maybe a more hyperactive version of myself!!!?!!I hope everything is going well for you, and that others with ME are getting involved and getting their lives back, I still speak to Tasha, in fact she’s moving to Norwich so we plan to meet up and have a good gossip at some point!