Peter age 51

Initially my symptoms were general fatigue, sleepless nights, tight chest and high blood pressure. The doctor prescribed beta blockers and anti-depressants (which actually made me feel worse). I was very fatigued, very shaky, had hot sweats at night, very little sleep and I felt overwhelmed and very anxious about every little thing. I then spent the majority of the next four weeks in bed – up to 22 hours a day in bed getting up at 6.30pm for evening meal and returning to bed 8.30pm. Mentally I had never been so low and physically I seemed to have almost no energy at all. My legs and arms were very shaky, my digestive system was in turmoil, I lost weight, I felt uncomfortable about people visiting and didn’t even want to speak to anyone on the phone and although by now I was on sleeping tablets I was still not getting many hours sleep and not any “good quality” sleep.

I was amazed and pleased that I got through the first day successfully and then I actually drove from Bury St Edmunds to Botesdale for both day 2 and day 3, we even had a pub lunch on the way home on day 3. A lot of my symptoms have lessened or disappeared – my digestive system has completely settled and I have put on nearly a stone in weight so am back to my proper weight, I no longer get night sweats and often get a good nights sleep (all be it with the help of a mild sleeping tablet), my sense of humour has returned, I’ve been off the anti-depressant tablets since 23rd December, I have been out cycling, walking, bird watching, shopping, visiting friends and relatives and have done jobs around the house and garden.

My energy levels are significantly higher than they were and I am still using the Lightning Process regularly to improve them further. As yet I still haven’t returned to work but am hoping to do so on a part time basis within the next couple of months.

I am convinced the Lightning Process has made a big difference to me but am also very aware that it’s not a three day wonder and is something that needs commitment and needs to be actively worked at until it eventually becomes automatic. I had already heard of somebody who had got better from ME by using the Lightning Process and so I went into it with an open mind. I can now see a big light at the end of the tunnel and am convinced that my life is changing for the better as a result of going on the course.


I saw the liver specialist at the hospital. He is quite happy with all my recent test results and doesn’t need to see me again. I saw my doctor on Mon 14th; he was very pleased with my progress, especially as I have stopped taking the anti-depressant tablets. The wheelchair has been returned to the Red Cross – I haven’t even remembered that I needed one since it’s disappeared from sight. I’ve been out three more times on my bicycle, the longest journey being 2.9 miles some of which was uphill. I’ve done three jigsaws, quite a number of cryptic crosswords. We’ve been to the cinema. I’ve done a few jobs around the house and garden. Went to the local RSPB meeting on Tuesday. We had only planned to stay until the refreshment break but actually stayed for the whole evening.

6 weeks after the Lighting Process:

I can manage a 13 hour day without any particular rest periods (apart from meals and TV in the evenings). I have noticed that my head is clearer now and am sure that my energy levels and stamina are gradually improving, and am overjoyed to report that I slept fairly well each night without taking any sleeping tablets. In addition I am convinced that I will never have need of those tablets again. The bonus is that I can now have a beer or glass of wine! My boss is happy for me to go back on a part time basis and I am going to talk to him about the possibility of doing a few hours one or two afternoons per week perhaps starting the week after next.

I am sure that I am starting to get the snowball effect – the more I achieve, the better I feel and the more I want to do. The ‘life I love’ is more evident and I am determined to get there sooner rather than later.

Progress report nine weeks after the Lightning Process:

Probably the best news is that I have successfully completed two afternoons at work this week. All my work mates were very pleased to see me back and I was very pleased to be there, doing some work and getting paid for it. This is yet more proof that the Lightning Process is working for me and I am making progress. I am going to do two afternoons at work again next week and then perhaps increase by a few hours the week after.